
How To Download Appium For Windows

Appium is one of the most popular open up-source tools when it comes to automated mobile app testing. Information technology allows developers or QA engineers to automate tests for native, hybrid, and mobile spider web applications. Appium uses the WebDriver protocol to automate iOS, Android, and Windows applications.

To understand the complete architectural implementation, refer to this detailed guide on Appium.

This article aims to demonstrate the fundamental steps to get started with the Appium installation.

There are 2 methods to install Appium –

  1. From the concluding using Node.js
  2. Directly from the Appium desktop customer

Let's discuss both methods in detail.

Method one: Installing Appium using Node.js

  • The first step is to verify whether Node.js is already installed in the system.
    To do then, open up the concluding and run the post-obit command:
node --version

If Node.js is already installed in the system, it'll return the Node version, else it throws an mistake stating – 'node is not recognized', which means Node.js is not installed in the system.

  • To install Node.js, visit the download section of the official Node.js website.

How to download and install Appium

Cull the Node installer equally per the underlying operating organization (Mac or Windows) in use. Windows users tin verify the chip size (32 flake or 64 flake) by checking computer properties. Download the installer accordingly.

Once the installer is downloaded, run information technology and go along with installation. Define the path explicitly if required. Once the installation is complete, restart the terminal and run the control -> node –version once again. Information technology volition return the Node version.

This indicates successful installation of Node.js. The Node.js installation besides covers the installation of npm (node package manager).

Mac users can apply the node -v and npm -5 commands to verify the installation and version details.

  • To install Appium, run the post-obit command.
npm install -g appium

The control higher up volition download and install Appium. One time washed, verify the Appium installation on macOS or Windows by running the control below:

appium --version

This will return the latest Appium version installed in your organization.

  • To beginning the Appium server directly from the concluding only enter "appium" as a command. It will kickoff the Appium server on Port number 4723.

With the steps to a higher place, we have successfully installed Appium using Node.js.

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Method two: Installing Appium using Appium Desktop Customer

Annotation: The Appium Desktop app serves every bit a powerful GUI for developers or QA engineers for running automated mobile tests. It is compatible with MacOS, Windows, and Linux. The Appium Desktop app provides an intuitive user interface for controlling and configuring the Appium server.

Refer to this official resources for Appium Desktop to learn more almost its features and offerings.

The installation of the Appium Desktop Client is bundled with Node runtime, so users do not need to install Node or npm explicitly.

To get started with Appium Desktop installation, follow the steps below:

  1. Visit the official Appium site
  2. Click on the Download Appium push
    Appium download
  3. The Download push redirects the user to the GitHub folio
  4. From the GitHub folio, Windows users need to download the .exe file and Mac users demand to download the .dmg file

Install Appium

  • Once the Appium Desktop file for the respective Os is downloaded, get-go the installation by double-clicking on that file. Mac users need to drag the Appium logo to the Applications binder to initiate the installation. Once the installation is consummate, start the Appium Desktop Client.How to download Appium
  • Users tin now start or stop the Appium server using this user interface. They can also configure their test environments using the Appium Desktop Client.

Before proceeding with whatever examination scenarios, developers or QAs must consider installing and running Appium doc. It is a tool that attempts to identify and resolve common configuration issues in Node, iOS, and Android prior to Appium automation.

  • Install Appium Dr. using the following command:
npm install appium-medico -g

Once the tool is installed, ane tin can view the list of inspections available by running the command below:

appium-doctor -h

The prototype below represents the available commands one can utilize to verify the dependencies for a particular test environs prior to examination automation.

Appium download

For example, before getting started with automation on Android devices, QAs must run the control – appium doctor –android. This will display all missing and existing dependencies required for Android automation.

Prior to examination automation on mobile platforms, teams must take all dependencies and tools properly configured on their systems. The methods explained above volition serve as a fundamental guide for QA engineers and developers seeking to go started with Appium automation on mobile devices.

Also, equally mentioned before teams or individuals must consider leveraging cloud-based platforms similar BrowserStack that provides integration with Appium. This will enable QA engineers to run Appium tests across a range of actual mobile devices in real user atmospheric condition.


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